
A QA guide to SAP functional test automation

Discover why and how automate SAP functional test. Learn how to overcome SAP technology challenges, maintain speed and quality, reduce complexity, bridge the skills gap and achieve efficient, productive testing.

In this white paper, Invarture and Agilitest cover:
The challenges of SAP functional testing
- The evolution of SAP technology
- Maintaining speed and quality
- The cost of complexity
- The skills gap between testers and developers

Automating SAP functional testing
- Improving efficiency and productivity
- Use reusable modules and reduce costs
- Harness the power of test data management
- Beyond SAP: end-to-end testing
- Test automation solutions

Automate SAP functional testing with Agilitest
- Reduced maintenance
- Improved test coverage
- Reduced regression
- Save time and money
- Facilitate collaborative work